Based on the horror manga created by duo Fujiko Fujio, The Laughing Salesman tells the story of a salesman named Moguro Fukuzo, whose job is to help...
Randou Rino is a young girl with a head full of air and a talking puppet on her hand. She is accepted into the illustrious Gokujou all-girl's school,...
Since the graduation of the senior members of the club, Takezou ends up being the sole member of the "Koto" (traditional Japanese string instrument)...
In the modern world, a lonely man dies and reincarnates in another world. Rescued as a baby from a tragedy by a brilliant sage named Merlin, the baby...
A dark medieval fantasy following the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand...
Drawn from interviews with survivors of Easy Company, as well as their journals and letters, Band of Brothers chronicles the experiences of these men...
When Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift-shop employee, becomes plagued with blackouts and memories of another life, he discovers he has dissociative...
A retelling of the legend of King Arthur from the perspective of the wizard Merlin. Sam Neill stars in the title role in a story that covers not only...