Hogan Knows Best is an American reality documentary television series on VH1. The series debuted on July 10, 2005 and centered on the family life of...
During the heyday of women's pro wrestling in bubble-era Japan, Dump Matsumoto bursts into the ring, shattering norms and turning the nation against...
Colonial Combat takes a laugh at our unofficial NZ colonial history. It's a dog eat dog world, where colourful characters compete inside and outside...
WCW Monday Nitro was a weekly professional wrestling telecast produced by World Championship Wrestling, created by Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff. The...
ECW was a professional wrestling television program for WWE, based on the independent Extreme Championship Wrestling promotion that lasted from 1992...
Miyawaki Yohei was a professional wrestler, who opened his own tofu shop after his retirement. He always tried to get his daughter Sakura interested...
A riveting police drama about the men and women of the Chicago Police Department's District 21 who put it all on the line to serve and protect their...
After receiving a scholarship from the state, a recent Columbia University medical school graduate is required to set up his practice in an eccentric...