WCW Monday Nitro was a weekly professional wrestling telecast produced by World Championship Wrestling, created by Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff. The...
Hogan Knows Best is an American reality documentary television series on VH1. The series debuted on July 10, 2005 and centered on the family life of...
Colonial Combat takes a laugh at our unofficial NZ colonial history. It's a dog eat dog world, where colourful characters compete inside and outside...
During the heyday of women's pro wrestling in bubble-era Japan, Dump Matsumoto bursts into the ring, shattering norms and turning the nation against...
Shadowbrokers are those who go unnoticed, posing as unremarkable people, when in truth, they control everything from behind the scenes. Sid wants to...
The story begins with Keita Suminoe, a male third-year junior-high school student studying for his high school entrance exams. He is living in a home...
Kasugano Haruka and his sister Sora have lost both their parents in an accident, and with them all their support. They decide to move out of the city...
When two hit men take out a dangerous mobster, the last thing they expect is for him to have a four-year-old daughter - now an orphan. But when they...
The "jogo do bicho" (an illegal lottery of numbers) in Rio de Janeiro is controlled by families whose leaders are also patrons of samba schools. Two...
Seiya Kanie, believes that the beautiful but reserved Isuzu Sento has invited him on a date at an amusement park called Amagi Brilliant Park. Much to...