1 Season
125 Episode
Defrag Tools - Season 1 Episode 13 WinDbg
In this episode of Defrag Tools, Andrew Richards and Larry Larsen start walking you through the Debugging Tools for Windows (in particular WinDbg). WinDbg is a debugger that supports user mode debugging of a process, or kernel mode debugging of a computer. This first WinDbg installment configures the system to open dumps files via an adjusted Context Menu. It shows how to set WinDbg as the (AeDebug) postmortem debugger, and how to use ProcDump v5.1 to do the same but capture the process as a dump file. It then starts to explain some basic concepts of debugging: call stacks (k), registers (r) and exception context records (.ecxr). Make sure you watch Defrag Tools Episode #1 for instructions on how to get the Debugging Tools for Windows and how to set the required environment variables for symbols and source code resolution.