In the Labyrinth
"Labyrinth" is a groundbreaking multi-screen 45-minute presentation produced for Chamber III of the Labyrinth at Expo 67 in Montreal, using 35 mm and 70 mm film projected simultaneously on multiple screens. A film without commentary in which multiple images, sometimes complementary, sometimes contrasting, draw the viewer through the different stages of a labyrinth. The tone of the film moves from great joy to wrenching sorrow; from stark simplicity to ceremonial pomp. It is life as it is lived by the people of the world, each one, as the film suggests, in a personal labyrinth. Re-released in 1979 as "In the Labyrinth" by the National Film Board of Canada in a 21-minute single projection format.
- Year: 1967
- Country: Canada
- Genre: Documentary, Animation
- Studio: ONF | NFB
- Keyword: expo67, short film, experimental cinema
- Director: Roman Kroitor, Colin Low, Hugh O'Connor
- Cast: