Red Shadow, created by Yokoyama Mitsuteru, is a ninja who wears a red-and-black costume and a stylized red mask. His adventures take place in Feudal...
The curtain rises on Sarasa Watanabe, a starry-eyed 5'10" student who hopes to perform as a male lead role in the all-female Kouka Acting Troupe. She...
When Shaggy's rich Uncle Albert goes missing and is presumed dead, Shaggy receives an inheritance, which he uses to upgrade the Mystery Machine so it...
In the first coproduction of a TV drama between Japan and South Korea, a Japanese tourist and a South Korean film student become good friends after a...
Five years have passed since the occurrence of the incident known as the "Human Annihilation Mission." In Japan, a novelist is dealing with writer's...
A superhero drama about Soo-yeol who has lived his whole life as a materialistic police detective, but changes into a champion for justice and fights...