Kamen Rider Super-1: The Movie
The Dogma Kingdom attacks the Matagi (mountain tribe) village of Yamabiko to steal the sacred Flying Dragon Fortress and wreak havoc all over Japan. Six children from the fallen village take refuge in a nearby town, keeping their identities as Matagi citizens a secret. Kamen Rider Super-1 must protect these children from the Dogma Kingdom, as they hold the secret to the Flying Dragon Fortress' weakness.
- Year: 1981
- Country: Japan
- Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
- Studio: Ishinomori Productions, Toei Company
- Keyword: superhero, super power, tokusatsu
- Director: Minoru Yamada
- Cast: Shunsuke Takasugi, Hiroshi Miyauchi, Nobuo Tsukamoto, Teru Satō, Yumiko Tanaka, Katsuya Hayakawa