Die Patriarchin

1 Season
3 Episode

Die Patriarchin

(3 votes, average: 6.00/ 10)

270 minutes 2025 HD

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The life of Nina Vandenberg, wife of Gero Vandenberg, whose family owns a successful coffee roasting company, is a disaster. First, she burns down the family villa in an alcohol intoxication and almost dies in the process, a little later Gero dies in a plane crash. But that's not all: A large amount of cash was found in the wreckage of the plane, from which no one knows where it came from - at the same time the company is missing 40 million euros, and it looks as if someone here has black money from the company wanted to smuggle past the tax office. All indications point to Nina, because she signed everything her husband presented to her without hesitation. Now she has to find out what's behind the matter, and she gets help from Gero's father, Gorm Vandenberg, who is already retired. Everything seems to be connected to a coffee plantation in Africa, so Nina travels to Kenya with her daughter Finja, where she is immediately arrested by the police.




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